We are a premiere software solution provider based in Dallas, TX. We are a very close knit team of highly talented professionals with a excellent track record and past experience in providing affordable solutions. We specializing in building custom tailored solutions that solves day to day issues facing your business. Our vision is to help a business achieve their goals effectively by leveraging technology with maximum efficiency at an affordable cost.
We offer services that fall into many common use cases: Reduce your infrastructure cost by porting your data and applications to Cloud Improve your Customer retention by uncovering hidden insights about Sales, Products, Locations and Customer spending habits Formalize and Set Up a Business Process Flow on how things should happen within your business Automate daily tasks by reducing load on your employees and spend their time more wisely Build more meaningful and lasting relationships with Customers Other services include - Developing custom applications, Porting data, Setting up Process and Training people
Tailor Made Solutions
Technology Savy Team
Quick Response
We Are Local
Take Pride In Our Work
Understand your business case
30 - 60 mins
Understand business impactand agree on success criteria
2 X Days
Prove model in your test enviorment to satisfy business case
1 X Week
Build model for your specific business case and environment
1 X Month
Configure, integrate & deploy in your production environment
1 X Month
Measure success criteria, record feedback & and plan road ahead
1 X Week
QA Training and optimization
As Needed
Years of Experience
Lines Committed